SWING CHECK VALVE(15-200mm)[1/2-8inch]
The SWING CHECK VALVE prevents backflow, thus protecting equipment, such as a pump.
Being of an swing arm type, the valve gives little resistance to flow.
The SWING CHECK VALVE is highly resistant to corrosive chemicals, acid and alkaline, because of its plastic construction.
To maintain the SWING CHECK VALVE, only the bonnet lid has to be removed, without taking the body out of pipeline.
SINGLE UNION BALL CHECK VALVE(15-100mm)[1/2-4inch]
Backflow Prevention
The valves prevent back fiow in horizontal or vertical lines. They require minimal back pressure to seat completelly.
Compact and Light
The BALL CHECK and BALL FOOT VALVES are so compact and light that they can be installed in a limited space. They are also easy to maintain,because of minimal internal parts.
TRUE UNION BALL CHECK VALVE(15-50mm)[1/2-2inch]
The valve body can be removed from the pipe line by loosening the union nuts at its both ends.
BALL FOOT VALVE(15-100mm)[1/2-4inch]
Backflow Prevention
The valves prevent back fiow in horizontal or vertical lines. They require minimal back pressure to seat completelly.
Compact and Light
The BALL CHECK and BALL FOOT VALVES are so compact and light that they can be installed in a limited space. They are also easy to maintain,because of minimal internal parts.